Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Preschool, High Chairs, and Duckies

Elena started preschool, and she loves it. Her favorite part of it is the playground. She walks in and doesn't even say goodbye to me, and she didn't cry at all on her first day. She's going twice a week in the afternoons. And since she started we've been reenacting her days there. Sometimes she wants me to play the teacher, other times she's the teacher guiding her students, etc. It's really adorable. The other day she knelt down to an imaginary child and said something like, "You hit Jayden. We don't hit. God wants us to be nice."

She hasn't seen many Disney movies. She's only seen Finding Nemo and Wall-E. Sometimes I think that she would really like the others, but then I also think that she's just not old enough for them. She's such a sponge, and she learns really quickly. Yesterday I picked her up from preschool and the teacher had put a list outside the classroom of what all the kids said they want to be for Halloween. There are 6 girls in the glass; 4 of them want to be Cinderella, 1 wants to be Ariel, and Elena wants to be a doctor. Reading that list made me glad that she hasn't seen the movies. I've tried to avoid all princess stuff for 3 years, and I'm going to hold out as long as I can. It seems like that's all little girls want to play and dress up as. Anyway, just one more random thing on the subject . . . in my pilates class the other day a woman was talking about when her girls were little. They were 3 and 6 when Beauty and the Beast came out and they all went to watch it at the theater. As they walked out, the 6-year-old explained to her younger sister, "No, that's not what it was about. It's that even if he's mean, if you love him enough, he'll change!" The woman told her daughter "We need to talk." I thought that was pretty funny.

For some reason, every time Samuel's eating in his high chair, his foot ends up on the table.

Daddy time

We went to a rubber ducky festival at the park. Samuel liked the duck character (someone in costume), and Elena wasn't too sure about it. Then when the lady in the costume took off the duck head to cool off and take a break, Elena went over to see her. Jorge explained that the duck was just a costume, but Elena didn't get it; she kept asking for the "duck that walks," "the silly duck."

Samuel, walking around

Samuel tried to climb in the pool for the duck race.



 This is Samuel's "complaining face"

 And this pretty much sums up life as a parent

1 comment:

  1. Good for Elena wanting to be a doctor for Halloween! That is precious.
