Friday, September 20, 2013

Finding Peace Amidst the Chaos

I've been busy, just taking care of the kids . . . so I haven't been able to keep up with the blog. Things are good, though.

Samuel's getting so big. He's really a cutie. He likes being held. I'm hoping he'll get used to other people taking care of him because he still has a hard time in the childcare at church and when my mother-in-law stays with him. And he's learning to walk already! He'll take as many as 5 steps at a time, and he's really good at squatting back down to the ground when he wants to crawl instead. He likes his bath time and he likes to dance whenever music comes on. He likes stuffed animals a lot right now, and he cuddles with his blankets. He's super expressive and he likes to climb.


And Elena is getting more social, wanting to play with her peers rather than just do parallel play. I took the kids to Gymboree to play tonight and when a little girl jumped onto a mat Elena said to her, "Good job, give me a high five!" She learned that from the sports class she does there. She's a real sweetheart. She likes to sing songs, dance around, look at books, play catch, and cuddle. The other night as I was hugging her at bedtime she said to me, "Thanks for having fun with me today. You're a special gift." Love my little girl.

I've been doing pilates classes a couples times per week and I'm really liking it. Last week, though, around 3:30 in the morning something fell in Samuel's closet and I thought he had fallen out of his crib. I woke up, yelled out, and ran to his room like a maniac within a couple seconds, but when I got to his door I fell . . . hard. I landed on the side of my thigh. It was bad, and the bruise is still pretty nasty, about 6 inches in diameter and it swelled up pretty bad. Even though I didn't land on my tailbone, it's been sore for over a week. I went to the chiropractor after it happened and that helped my lower back, but I still have some soreness in my back muscles. So I took the week off of exercise, but I'm started up again. Then I do the mom's group at church, I take the kids to their Gymboree classes, storytime started up again at the library, and the rest of the time we're at home or visiting people. So we stay busy, but busy is good. And the kids get so excited when Jorge gets home. Samuel starts whining to be picked up by him, and Elena squeals with excitement. It's funny when I think about how quiet our house was before having kids. It was a totally different life . . . so peaceful, but I guess when you become a parent the trick is to find peace in the midst of chaos. I'm hoping to become a master at that.

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