Thursday, August 29, 2013

10 Months

I'm 10 months old! (This post is a few days late)

I weigh 18 pounds, 7 ounces, and I'm 29.5" long.

I have 3 teeth.

I move around so much that it's hard for Mommy to take pictures with me on the bed. 

 My hair's getting long, and starting to curl in the back.

 I'm standing for longer periods of time, and trying to take some steps (and quickly falling).

I laugh and play a lot, and I love playing in the ballpit and tent in the playroom.

I still don't sleep through the night, but I'm cute enough to make up for it.

I love finger foods, I still prefer Mommy over everyone else, I'm a big eater but I'm getting a little picky, I play teasing games by crawling away from Mommy and Daddy and then quickly crawling back, and the only place I can be contained is on the lawn (on top of a blanket because I don't like the way the grass feels).

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