Saturday, January 26, 2013

Silly Fun

We get pretty silly in our house. Here's Elena doing her elephant.

And eating her ice cream cone

Dance time before going to bed

Then she decided to march instead


 Elena painted with shaving cream again.

And then we moved the activity to the bathtub.


Our little guy is always around.

And he's getting some personality.


Samuel's already 3 months old. I've been waiting for him to reach this point because babies tend to become more easygoing and are amused by things (even though he's been a pretty easygoing baby from the beginning). But there are things I will miss about the newborn stage: the delicious smell of a new baby, the way their bodies curl up so small, the cute little noises they make, the expressions they practice while they're sleeping, the soft cry, and first smiles. I can't believe that stage has already passed!

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