Saturday, January 19, 2013

Busy in the New Year

Having two kids is definitely different than having one. Less breaks, a lot more to do, and errands are difficult to get done. On the days Jorge works late, I usually don't bathe the kids, but this day I did. You can see Samuel hanging out on the floor.

I try to go somewhere every day, but we were all sick with a cold for a week (Jorge was pretty sick for almost 2 weeks). By the time we were getting better, Elena was so desperate to go out that she was asking to go to the store. Poor thing. I'm just now trying to get back into the routine of taking them out every day, but it's so much harder when I have to drag the carseat/carrier around with Samuel. And getting places on time is always a challenge. But then I look at their sweet, little, angelic faces, and it makes it all worth it.



Elena still loves to play with babies and her "food stuff." Lately she also likes to build a lot with her magneatos and mega bloks. 

I dyed some shaving cream for her to paint with and she loved it. She said "This is my favorite!" She was amused for a long time.


My dad came to visit today. After he left I was kicking myself for not getting a picture of him with the kids. He saw Samuel for just a few minutes after he was born, and then he had to leave because it was late and they were moving me to a different hospital room. Then not even a week later he had his heart surgery, so he's been at home recovering. Anyway, he came to see us today and he brought a doll for Elena (in the picture below). He got to hold Samuel and spend time with Elena, then Samuel got fussy and we were trying to get him to sleep for a long time, so it didn't cross my mind to grab my camera. Next time I'll take pictures at the beginning of a visit. 



In an effort to eat healthier we are getting a weekly box of organic produce from local farms. It's forcing me to try new things, and hopefully we'll eat a lot more vegetables.

A couple cute things Elena said that I want to remember:
She told me she was "giant hungry" when it was time for lunch.
Jorge and I were cuddling and she said "Ooooohhhhh, loving on each other."

Samuel found his hands a couple of days ago. He holds them together in front of his face and stares at them. So adorable.

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