Monday, November 26, 2012

One Month

Samuel is one month old today! I can't believe it.

He weighs 10 lbs 14 oz, and he's 22 inches long. It's crazy how fast they grow! He'll be over 11 pounds very soon, and he looks so much bigger now than when he was born.

He's a pretty good sleeper, sometimes with a 4 or 5 hour stretch of sleep at night, other times waking every 2 to 3 hours. And he's a very good eater, as you can tell by his weight gain (once he's 11 lbs 1 oz--which I expect in the next couple of days--he'll be 3 pounds over his birth weight, and he's only a month old!) He's very easygoing. Also, he's super strong and has been able to lift his head well since he was born.  

His eyes follow me around the room when I'm not holding him, and he responds to my voice. He likes kisses and being held, and he enjoys being in the carrier I wear.

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