Friday, November 23, 2012

Family of Four

Everything these days is a family affair. I used to put Elena to bed by myself, reading to her, rocking her, then putting her in her crib. After Samuel's birth, I couldn't pick her up and put her in her crib, so Jorge and I started putting her to bed together, usually with me rocking her, then Jorge picking her up and putting her in her crib. Most days, though, Samuel is also in there with us. I loved Elena's bedtime before, but I think now it's even more special.

Doesn't Samuel look just like Jorge here?

Elena is such a good little helper. This was Samuel's first bath and she didn't want to miss it, so we did it in the bathtub instead of the sink. He lost his umbilical cord when he was just 5 days old.

She looks so big next to him. I used to think she looked so small. The other day I told her "Elena, you're humongous," and she said "Elena's not humongous, Elena's a girl!"

Jorge has gotten a lot of quality time in with Elena. She loves being with him.

And she loves being with her brother

He's a content baby. It's very different than when Elena was a newborn. We're very thankful for that!

We went to Gymboree together and I had Samuel in a carrier and Jorge was running around and playing with Elena. He had her cracking up; she had a blast.

We've had the expected fatigue that comes with caring for a newborn, but we've gotten in a lot of family time, and Jorge and Elena go out to do something fun on most days. The transition to being a family of four is going pretty well!

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