Friday, March 18, 2011

My Big Girl

Sometimes when I look at Elena Rose it's like she's almost not a baby anymore. She's getting up on her knees and rocking now, and she dances as soon as music comes on. She's so close to crawling and being more independent. At the same time, she's getting more clingy with me. At night I have to lay next to her until she falls asleep; Jorge tries to help, but she just cries. We lay her on the couch with us and I just cuddle next to her, and she'll play with my hair and pass out. Sounds like it's pretty easy, but my face needs to be right next to hers and she isn't always gentle with my hair. I know some people use the cry it out method for sleep training, but that's just not for me. She's doing great with her solids. She's so good with eating now. I make her food and freeze it in cubes to give her later. The other day I took pictures while I was feeding her, hoping I could zoom in to see her teeth (she doesn't open her mouth wide unless she's laughing or eating). Didn't really work out, but I got some cute pictures.

You can actually see her bottom teeth here.

We use bows now! Her hair has grown and her bangs almost cover her eyes when her hair is loose.

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