Sunday, March 20, 2011

It's raining, it's pouring . . .

Literally, all day. Which brought our attention to a couple small leaks in the attic we'll need to take care of. Our entire backyard is flooded.

At night Jorge realized we had a big puddle on the family room floor by the wall. Turns out the side of the backyard was flooded so bad that it was above our slab foundation. So Jorge was out there in the dark, freezing cold while it was pouring rain, digging a hole under our wall. He was successful, the water drained out through the front. So what did we do today since we had to stay in? We slept in a little. We played.
Elena Rose chewed on Elmo.
She sucked on her floor (don't worry, it's new, so it's not dirty yet!).
She showed a slight interest in her baby doll, especially when I played with it.
She watched Daddy go outside to work on the flooding.

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