Saturday, December 20, 2014


I can't believe it's almost Christmas! Every year we go to the local neighborhood where the houses go all out in Christmas decorations.


The kids decorated their gingerbread houses. Somehow Samuel knew right away that it was candy. I'm surprised that any of it actually made it onto his house.

Elena had a Christmas musical play at preschool. She had a really bad cold this day so she stayed home until it was time for the play. They were so cute.

It was a super cute play, and I was really proud of her. She's always been a shy kid, not wanting to be the center of attention, so it was nice to see her totally comfortable singing and doing the hand movements.

It's been cold outside, so we've actually been able to snuggle up and dress warm. Samuel loves wearing his beanies, and he usually wears them for a long time after coming home.

And these two love play dough; it's the perfect activity for these cold days.

And they love each other. Even though they eventually end up finding something to complain about when they play together, they have a lot of fun. When Elena was sick the other day, Samuel started checking her.

They are too precious.

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