Monday, June 9, 2014

Auntie Amy's

Things have been a little busier than usual. The kids and I stayed at Amy's house for several days while we had people working on our house. The kids had a blast. Samuel loved the big dogs, and Elena especially liked having other kids in the house to play with. Samuel did pretty good with his naps while we were there; I was pleasantly surprised. He's still an amazing sleeper, but usually he has a hard time the first couple of naps when we're away from home. I didn't manage to get any pictures of the kids with Amy. Usually Jorge and I travel together, so I take a bunch of pictures while he's watching the kids. I realized when I was leaving we didn't take a lot of pictures and Amy didn't want to take any since she was still in her pajamas and without make-up. Next time . . . Here are some pictures of the kids that I managed to take.

Samuel loved this little chair in the kids' room.

 Elena found Mikayla's dress-up stuff and put on a ballerina outfit. So here she's a ballerina.

Luckily the kids did okay during the drive. I did stop on the way home because Samuel wasn't sleeping and he was super fussy and hungry. But it was okay. And it was so nice to have a long visit with Amy. Elena was looking forward to it for a long time.

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