Friday, March 21, 2014

Family Trip

We went to Disneyland! (Well, we spend most of the time at California Adventure Park.) We were there for 3 days. 

The kids always have fun in the hotel room. Samuel sleeps in a pack and play, and Elena slept on a crib-sized inflatable bed. For the first time in a looong time, Jorge and I had the bed to ourselves all night.

Both kids love to play on the bed. Jorge wrestled with Samuel for a long time. 

Samuel takes this stance every time I ask him where something is. I love it. I can ask him for something that's close to him, and he'll still bend way over and twist his head to look. 

Naps are the hardest part of being at a theme park all day. The middle day he only took one super short nap, and he was pretty fussy, but the next day was a lot better.

We were there on St. Patrick's Day.



On the choo-choo train


Thank goodness for the baby care centers! Spoons, microwaves, highchairs, changing tables . . . love them.


The kids loved playing in the water. I didn't think to take their bathing suits to the park, so when Elena's clothes started getting wet we took her clothes off, except her underwear. That worked for awhile until a worker told us she needed clothes on . . . so we ended up putting Samuel's stretchy shorts on her since I had extra pants in the diaper bag for him, and she put her shirt back on. Next time I'll definitely take bathing suits.


I'm hoping to take them again soon, before it gets ridiculously hot and miserable.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Two Fun Kids

Here's a quick re-cap of our last few weeks:

Elena had Superhero Night at Pioneer Club. She was super-cute, but she is very shy so when we walked into the sanctuary where all of the groups meet, she began to cry. I think she felt pressure to go onstage in her costume in front of a big group of people (even though she didn't have to). So she ended up taking off her mask and that helped her feel better, and then when I picked her up she didn't have her cape on either. I'm glad I got these pictures of her before we went there.

Samuel has little curls on the back of his head. That's how Elena's curls started, too.

He gives kisses now.  I love them, but he's not always willing.

The weather has been nice. This picture is of the kids playing with water beads in the backyard. They both love them, but they're really bouncy, so not ideal for indoors unless you want to be finding them in random places for the next week. The downside to playing with them on the lawn is that Samuel will drop or spill them and then he'll get upset that there are some between the blades of grass, so I spend a lot of time gathering the ones he would point out to me.

Here they're playing with foam blocks. Samuel gets focused on putting the cylinders through the holes, and when he's concentrating he opens his mouth really wide.

Coloring with creamy crayons. 

Elena was drawing different shapes, then she would ask me about them. "Does that look like a heart? Does that look like a carrot?"

This was Samuel's first time using the creamy crayons, and he really enjoyed it.

He had stopped coloring, so I asked him if he was all done. This was his response.

So then he colored some more. This was his finished product.

Then Elena and I did a little experiment with shaving cream. She's so much fun.

Samuel's talking more and he has such a fun personality. And Elena's so creative with her play, it's amusing to see where her imagination takes her. 

As exhausting as the days can be, Jorge and I get in bed and smile while we talk about the things the kids have been doing.