Friday, January 3, 2014

Kids Keeping Busy at Home

We've been at home a lot. Elena's preschool is on break right now and there's been so much going on with the holidays.

The kids dress up.

Samuel likes to play with his little vacuum, especially when he hears our vacuum going. 

Elena likes this little train set.

Here Samuel's trying to figure out how to make a little toy light up while Elena's setting up her "microphone" in the background.

Samuel likes playing with the toy kitchen now.

A lot of the time Samuel has a teddy bear in his arms, sometimes two. He sleeps and cuddles with them, and plays with them in the crib when he wakes up. He has the biggest eyes, I love this picture.

A lot of the time I'm just following Samuel from room to room. He's all over the place and doesn't like to be kept in one room. Elena plays a lot in her room now with all her little characters and blocks, and she doesn't like Samuel to mess up what she's playing with, so that's a little difficult to manage. Here are some pictures I've taken of her little people toys from her nativity set (her "Jesus toys").


Jorge dragged me outside at almost midnight one night to see this awesome halo around the moon. He knew I would love it, and I did.


Being a stay-at-home mom has many challenges, but I'm trying my best to meet them. Mostly I'm working on building my patience and managing to have enough quality time with Elena when I have to be so much more hands-on with Samuel. Luckily Samuel still takes 2 naps and goes to bed earlier than her, so we have some one-on-one time.

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