Friday, July 26, 2013

9 Months

I'm 9 months old today!

I'm 29.25 inches long and I weigh 18 pounds, 4.6 ounces.

I like to crawl all over the place and I'm always on the move, so this makes it hard for Mommy to get good pictures of me on the bed. She did the best she could.

I love eating solid food, and I eat a lot. Besides fruits and veggies I've had chicken and yogurt.

I'm always watching my sister and I laugh at almost everything she does.

I still like to be with my mama a lot.

I have two teeth on the bottom, but more will come in soon. I'm always chewing on my fingers, which makes me sound like a squeaky toy.

I talk a lot, directly to people. I call out to get my daddy's attention.

I'm starting to play in my crib when I wake up in the morning, so Mommy and Daddy can rest a little bit more. But I don't sleep through the night.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you know how handsome he is! And also hoping he'll sleep through the night soon. Good for you guys, he'll get there!
