Sunday, March 24, 2013

Beautiful Weather

It's been so beautiful outside, we love spring here. Elena's been playing in the front yard more, and Jorge has been doing some work on the house, including painting the fence we put up to separate our lawn from the neighbor's, and also building a new mailbox post after the old one rusted through and fell over.


 Here Elena's running around saying, "Look, Mama, I'm Supergoof!"

Jorge hard at work

Our new mailbox and post

Here Elena's sneaking sips of my sprite.

Samuel enjoys being outside, too. We get tired of being inside (we've been home more since he's been born).


She's a lady

The other day Elena fell asleep on the couch before bedtime. She woke up awhile after we put her in bed and we realized she had a low fever. Luckily, she had no other symptoms, but the fever did come and go for a couple days.


And Samuel is a happy little guy, but he's been teething pretty bad the last couple days and has been kind of fussy.


He always manages to give me lots of smiles, though.


Elena thought it would be funny to put her necklaces on Ginger. Ginger didn't find it so funny, but I did.



We're so thankful for the beautiful days we've been having, and time we've spent together outside.

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