Saturday, March 30, 2013

Community Egg Hunt

There was a community egg hunt today at a nearby park. There was food, cupcakes, crafts, bounce houses, and an egg hunt at the end. Elena had a good time.

Waiting in the line for hot dogs.

This little guy is so interested in our food. Next month he'll get his first taste!

After eating Elena decorated a lamb cupcake. 

Even though they had a separate egg hunt for "little kids," there's a big difference between a 2 year old and a 5 year old. So the smaller kids didn't get many eggs. Elena got 3. She had more fun running than she did looking for eggs, though. 

It was hot, a perfect park day. After the egg hunt she got a snow cone. I had some of it to cool off.

My little bunny.



Poor Samuel was so tired and didn't fall asleep for a long time because of the noise. He finally fell asleep at the end and then Jorge put him in the stroller. It's so much different with 2 kids. When Elena was the only one, I could just always be at home for her naps . . . can't do that now.


And we might have a budding thumb sucker.



Elena's been blowing lots of bubbles outside since the weather's been so nice. Ginger likes to catch them and eat them.


 Loving this weather!

Visit with Grandpa

My dad has to come all the way to LA for some of his doctor visits. The other morning he had one, and stopped by to visit before going home. It was a short visit, since he had to pick up one of the kids from school later in the day.

I took lots of pictures this time, since last time I totally forgot. Elena was glad she got to see her grandpa.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

5 Months

I am 5 months old today!

I'm a pretty big boy now. I am 27 inches long and I weigh 15 pounds 12 ounces.

I'm still only nursing, but I'm very interested in food whenever I see people eating.

I wake up next to Mommy and am willing to stay in bed for quite a while after waking up. Then when Mommy finally decides to wake up, I give her a big smile.

When I see my daddy I always give him a big smile.

I'm doing a lot more now. I'm teething. I'm trying to sit up; I don't like to lay on my back that much anymore. I'm getting a lot better at grabbing my toys, and I like to watch my sister play.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Gymboree Easter Party

The other day we dyed our first batch of Easter eggs. 

The next day we went to Gymboree for their Easter party. I didn't expect Elena to like the Easter Bunny, and she didn't. She wanted to stay as far away from it as possible and was hesitant to participate in the activities, so I ended up telling her that it was pretend, and that someone was playing dress-up. That made her feel better. I did tell her not to tell anybody because the other kids didn't know, and she said okay. 

She's looking at the bunny here.



She liked rolling down the little hill


Then she danced like a butterfly

She likes to catch the little bubbles on her finger.

Parachute time

She decorated her bag for the egg hunt

She had a lot of fun.

Beautiful Weather

It's been so beautiful outside, we love spring here. Elena's been playing in the front yard more, and Jorge has been doing some work on the house, including painting the fence we put up to separate our lawn from the neighbor's, and also building a new mailbox post after the old one rusted through and fell over.


 Here Elena's running around saying, "Look, Mama, I'm Supergoof!"

Jorge hard at work

Our new mailbox and post

Here Elena's sneaking sips of my sprite.

Samuel enjoys being outside, too. We get tired of being inside (we've been home more since he's been born).


She's a lady

The other day Elena fell asleep on the couch before bedtime. She woke up awhile after we put her in bed and we realized she had a low fever. Luckily, she had no other symptoms, but the fever did come and go for a couple days.


And Samuel is a happy little guy, but he's been teething pretty bad the last couple days and has been kind of fussy.


He always manages to give me lots of smiles, though.


Elena thought it would be funny to put her necklaces on Ginger. Ginger didn't find it so funny, but I did.



We're so thankful for the beautiful days we've been having, and time we've spent together outside.