Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Outside Play and Sweetness

This little guy is finally getting used to sleeping flat on his back. His little foot made its way out of the swaddle.


He has so much personality, always wanting to interact with us. I propped him up with pillows and he liked it, but he still starts to fall forward or to the sides after a couple of minutes.

We had some really nice days recently. Elena and I enjoyed some time in the front yard. Here she's marching. 


Then she cooked.


I laid on my back and enjoyed the warm sunshine.

I love the dollar bins at the craft stores. Here Elena's playing with some stamps in a little notebook we got there today; she's also wearing her new necklaces for dress-up.

She wanted Jorge to put her in the sling. She is huge.

She is such a little sweetheart. She was loving on Jorge at bedtime. 

Tonight I was trying to eat a sandwich while nursing Samuel (I was starving after spending time at the doctor's and then urgent care) and I dropped some crumbs on the couch. Elena heard me react and said "It's okay, Mama, you can always fix it!" Warmed my heart.

On a different note, happy birthday, Dad!

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