Thursday, December 20, 2012

Adoration for my Little Ones

I absolutely adore this little guy.

He smiles and coos at me, I love it. And his eyes track me wherever I go.
He loves his bathtime.


Jorge gave him a bottle for the first time the other day. He did okay, but he hasn't quite figured it out yet.
 Here's my other munchkin that I adore.
She has such a sweet little personality. Today she said "Daddy will be home soon." And I said he would. She said "Elena miss Daddy," and I said "I know, baby." And she replied, "Elena loves Daddy." She's always ecstatic when he comes through the door. She was loving on him and she hugged him, stroked his face and said, "This is fun."

She has a really good sense of humor. She jokes all the time and laughs a lot.
At bedtime we always ask about her day and what she enjoyed. We talked about all the things she did during the day. Today at lunch I asked her if she was having a good day and she said yes and started telling me about all the things she had done already. It's amazing how children internalize those things.

My babies are precious.

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