Sunday, December 30, 2012

Two Months Old

Samuel is two months old! That's amazing to me.   (This post is a few days late)
He weighs 13 pounds, 3 ounces, and he's 24.5 inches long.

He smiles at us all the time.


He loves his bathtime. When he gets fussy in the evening I just get his bath ready and he's totally content the whole time. He's cooing more and more, and he's putting his hands together. When he wakes up in the morning he smiles a lot and sucks on his hands. He's a good eater, and manages to go 3-4 hours between feedings sometimes, which is nice for me.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

Samuel celebrated his first Christmas today. Really, though, he had no idea what was going on. It was still special for us to celebrate it for him, though! And Elena had so much fun. Last night she put cookies and milk out for Santa, and this morning she ran straight to the plate to see if he ate them.

Santa brought her a little trampoline and story about Christmas, and he brought Samuel some toys and his first bible.

Elena got nail polish in her stocking, and I painted her nails for the first time.

She loved all of her presents. 


But Christmas is about more than just presents.

It's about family





and Celebration

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Adoration for my Little Ones

I absolutely adore this little guy.

He smiles and coos at me, I love it. And his eyes track me wherever I go.
He loves his bathtime.


Jorge gave him a bottle for the first time the other day. He did okay, but he hasn't quite figured it out yet.
 Here's my other munchkin that I adore.
She has such a sweet little personality. Today she said "Daddy will be home soon." And I said he would. She said "Elena miss Daddy," and I said "I know, baby." And she replied, "Elena loves Daddy." She's always ecstatic when he comes through the door. She was loving on him and she hugged him, stroked his face and said, "This is fun."

She has a really good sense of humor. She jokes all the time and laughs a lot.
At bedtime we always ask about her day and what she enjoyed. We talked about all the things she did during the day. Today at lunch I asked her if she was having a good day and she said yes and started telling me about all the things she had done already. It's amazing how children internalize those things.

My babies are precious.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

We Love the Holidays!

It's the holiday season. Do you know what that means? Baking! We made my favorite . . . chocolate chip cookies. This was Elena's first time licking the beaters. She liked it!

We went to a local farm the Saturday after Thanksgiving to get our Christmas tree. It looked smaller in the big open space of the farm! When Jorge brought it inside we were surprised at how big it was, but we have a high, sloped ceiling so it looks beautiful. You can see how tiny Elena is crouching next to it.

The local YMCA brought in snow and had craft activities for the kids. Elena had fun. She wanted to make a snowman so Jorge showed her how to make a teeny tiny one.

And we went to the park after.

We've been doing some crafts at home too.

We're trying to do something with Elena every day for Christmas, whether it's a craft activity, visiting Santa, looking at Christmas lights, etc. So far she's visited Santa several times, had her picture taken with him, done several Christmas crafts, and looked at Christmas lights in the local neighborhood that is really decorated.

Meanwhile, Samuel is growing up so fast. It's amazing how babies can look different from one day to the next. He is so sweet and easygoing, and even when he gets fussy it's really not too bad. He's being really easy on me! That's not to say that he doesn't go through a few outfits each day and I don't even know how many times he's peed on me or his surroundings. But that's okay. 


While Elena was napping one day, Samuel was hanging out with me while I started dinner. He was so content.


I love my babies, and I love seeing them enjoy the holidays!