Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Family Fun

We've really been enjoying our family time. Jorge has been working on the house so much that there has been less of it, but I have to say that whenever Elena is with her daddy, she's a happy girl.

See what I mean?

Mommy can't do this kind of stuff with her right now, she's too round!


After going out to eat lunch today, Elena played tag with Jorge. She didn't want him to get her, though, she wanted to be "it."

See that wide open laugh she has? She got that from her daddy.

After I took a bunch of pictures, Elena wanted to take some. She took these two. Not bad for her first time!

Remember the hideous room that is to become Elena's new bedroom? This is what it looks like right now . . . not finished, but what an improvement! It took me over a week to get the wallpaper border off, and Jorge painted it. We're getting her furniture in and wrapping up the finishing touches. Soon it will probably be the prettiest room in the house.

And we have her gift from the baby ready for when he comes home. She's going to love this little chair.


She got excited about being able to go outside and play in the rain when the weather changes, so I got her some rain boots. They're big on her, but she likes them. She put them on all by herself before I took this picture (they're on the wrong feet).


 I love my little girl.

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