Friday, March 30, 2012

Happy Campers

It's been really nice staying home. It's way more relaxed without having to pack all of Elena's stuff in the morning, drop her off at the babysitter's, then go to work. She is more clingy, which I didn't expect, but I guess that comes with the territory. I can't shower without Jorge having to drag her out of the bathroom, whining, about 4 times. Maybe that will get better, though . . . or maybe it's just wishful thinking. I don't mind too much, though. We're enjoying our time together, so we're happy campers. We've gone to a lot of storytimes at the library (I even have a library card now), met other stay-at-home moms, and had playdates. I'm also looking to get into a swim class with her; I know she'll love that.

She squeals like crazy when Jorge gets home from work, so I love to see her get excited to see him.

She still loves her blankets. We don't go anywhere without having at least one of them. She has to have it with her in the car, but she knows she has to leave it in the car when we get out. She sure does love them. She also loves climbing into thingsEven when she doesn't quite fit . . . And she has a little table now, so she can play and do arts and crafts there, and eatThis kid refuses to nap in her crib, so we bought a nap mat to see if she would sleep on that. For a long time she was napping on the couch, but we were always afraid she would fall off so we'd have to put pillows around her and on the floor. She loves her new mat, and she even takes the little pillow to bed with her at night, so we're happy to have found something that works. Now at naptime she lays down on her mat while I sit nearby, and in about 10-15 minutes, she's asleep (with her blanket, of course, usually right up to her nose).I guess I need to take more pictures of Jorge and myself so we can be on the blog, too!

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