Friday, October 7, 2011


Elena's really getting good at letting us know what she wants.She's been a good pointer for a long time, but now she also shakes her finger at the dogs when she wants them to stop doing something.
She likes to look at pictures, especially of herself. Janice made her a little album with a lot of the pictures she's taken of her. She loves it!She likes to pretend she's talking on the phone now. Here she's wearing Jorge's headlight that he uses when he works up in the attic. She didn't want it on for long, but she was amused by the light on the wall and ceiling, and she was confused about where it was coming from. She can also do the hand sign for "more" now, touching her fingers together in the middle. She uses it for everything she wants more of, including food, games, toys, and music.

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