Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Elena Rose is here!

Talk about an emotional roller coaster! At my 38 week check-up, my doctor said I was 3 cm dilated and that I would probably go into labor any time. So I was walking . . . and walking . . . and walking . . . and I was very excited. I worked my butt off at work just in case I went into labor before my scheduled last day. I went to the hospital 5 days later because I thought my amniotic fluid was leaking (it was a false alarm), and at that time I was having regular contractions that I couldn't feel, and they kept me there for a while to see if my dilation would increase (it didn't). A few days later I went to the doctor for my 39 week checkup, and as the doctor was checking my dilation I could tell that something was off. He requested the ultrasound machine, and then proceeded to show me the baby's head, which was right under my sternum. She was in a breech position, and my amniotic fluid was low; I had to deliver that day, the 15th, by Cesarean section. I was sooooo disappointed! I really wanted to deliver naturally, and I read up on so much baby stuff and skipped ALL the c-section parts because I was convinced that I would not be having one! I called Jorge and I was very emotional, but at the same time I was concerned about the baby and wanted her to be safe in my arms. So I had to check in to the hospital a few hours later for the surgery. It ended up getting pushed back several hours, because someone who had a c-section scheduled went into labor, and then the AC in the operating room broke, so we had to wait until that was fixed for me to go in. Finally, around 7:30 pm they took me in. The surgery was not fun; I felt like I was being pulled apart in different directions. Jorge was next to me, trying his best to distract me. Then the doctor said "Here comes the baby!" and Jorge stood up to see her being pulled out. I heard her cry a second later, and I burst into tears. I cried and looked for her, which was very difficult because my arms were strapped down. I saw her in the plastic crib and watched them wipe her down. Then they brought her to me to love on, talk to, and kiss. It was unlike anything else. I kissed her and kissed her. Then they took her away, and Jorge went with her, while I was put back together, stitched up, and taken to a recover room for an hour. That was the worst part. I did not want to be separated from her at all. And breastfeeding is really important to me, and I know how much of a difference it makes when you are able to breastfeed your baby in the first hour of life. But then they took me to see her. Jorge had her in his arms. I held her skin-to-skin for the rest of the night, kissing her, talking to her, and enjoying finally having my baby in my arms. And her name, as planned all along, is Elena Rose. She was 6 lbs, 7 oz, a tiny little thing. Needless to say, I love her with all my heart, she is precious! She was with either myself or Jorge for our entire hospital stay. Now that we're back home, I'm just trying to enjoy every minute. She sleeps a lot, and eats a lot. And she has a lot of dirty diapers. Breastfeeding is going well for her, I'm sore but we're pushing through! Even though she sleeps through most of the day, I just enjoy looking at her, I can't believe she's mine! Here are some pictures, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.


  1. She is beautiful!! Congratulations Amber and Jorge.

    Gaby Padilla

  2. So glad she was born healthy and you are both doing well! She is absolutely beautiful, and you look great. 6lb 7oz is a perfect size (same as my first two). Sounds like she has two wonderful parents. Glad the nursing is going well, and hope the soreness fades quickly. Good for you.
