We took these pictures that day.
By 6 pm the contractions were stronger and I had to breathe through them. We kept waiting; I showered and waited some more. After 11 pm I started debating whether to try to sleep or keep moving around to speed up labor. I decided to lay down, not knowing if I'd be able to sleep through the pain. But I did fall asleep, then woke up at 1:40 am with a long, super painful contraction and decided it was time to go to the hospital. My doula met us there.
Through the entire labor I was either standing while leaning over the bed, or sitting on a birthing ball next to the bed. Since it was a VBAC I had to have the fetal monitoring straps around my belly, so I couldn't walk freely. I got through the contractions really well. I remember that during my last labor they were unbearable at the end, but this time I didn't feel like I couldn't take it, even though it was long. Late morning the midwife checked me and I was 9 centimeters. I felt like celebrating, I was so happy with how smoothly the labor was going. Jorge and I took this picture after we found out I was 9 cm . . . our last picture as parents of 2 kids.
When it was time to push, that's when it got really hard. Pushing didn't take too long (maybe 15-20 minutes), but the whole experience was unreal. My body was pushing on its own, I had no control over it. And I was screaming, very loudly, and I had no control over that either. I had wanted to ease the baby out, but I quickly realized that there was no way I would be able to push gently at any point. I delivered Adelina on my hands and knees, and she shot out and landed on the bed. Luckily, it was a nice, soft landing for her. I felt her whole body quickly slip out, along with all of the water. And when I turned over to hold my baby, I saw that the fluids had made a mess, and splattered on the midwife's face and glasses. The whole scene was funny. And then I was left with my sweet little baby.
Adelina Raquel was born at 12:16 pm on June 9th, weighing in at 6 pounds, 6 ounces, and measuring 19.5 inches.
The kids were so excited to meet their new sister. They just adore her.
I have to say that this recovery has been so much easier than the last one.
And I just love my little baby.