Saturday, May 10, 2014

All about Samuel

This little guy is 18 months old now. I can't believe it! He's soooo big! And totally not like a baby anymore. He's super active, curious, agile, and likes to experiment and see how things work. 

He likes to sleep with his butt up in the air.

He always seeks us out to help him feel better when he gets hurt. In this picture, he wasn't hurt; he just got himself wet and didn't like it. 

He loves pretend play now.

And he's a thoughtful child. Even though he gets frustrated easily, as any toddler does, he shares things with Elena, and always takes her water cup to her, even when she doesn't want it. 

He loves playing with water and sand right now. He plays with the water table, filling a teapot to water the plants. 

Sometimes when we tell him to do something he looks off in the distance and ignores us. That's what was going on here. Jorge had been telling him to sit down because it was windy and he was pouring sand, but he started looking at a tree in the neighbor's yard. In this picture Jorge was walking over to him since he wasn't sitting down. Notice that he's not worried at all.

He's a happy boy. Also a loud one. Most of what he says, he yells, no matter what his mood is. It's taken a little getting used to for me.

He can be fussy and irritable, then I take him in the backyard and he's totally content. He'll sit and play with sand for a long time, then get out and run around. And luckily the weather has been awesome.


He likes to run and jump and yell. He loves teddy grahams, goldfish crackers, and ice cream. He hasn't had a haircut yet. He sleeps through the night; in fact, he puts himself to sleep for his naps and at bedtime. In the morning, he still wakes up and plays with his stuffed animals in his crib, allowing me to stay in bed for awhile longer. I'm so thankful that he's such an amazing sleeper! He's kind of transitioning to one nap right now, but he still gets tired in the afternoon so he'll go lay down even though he doesn't fall asleep.

He uses so many words, and repeats a lot of what we say. He's always handing us things, and says, "Here you go." The other day he said "Here you go, Mommy," and I was amazed. He likes to fall on purpose, then say "fell," and waits for me to give him sympathy and comfort. So today during his second naptime, when he didn't sleep, I kept hearing, "Uh oh, fell, ow, fell." (He wasn't hurt, I was watching him on the monitor). He says things like "doggie," "sister," "bear," "water," "ball," "here," "outside," etc. He's also still pretty tall for his age, in the 99th percentile. He's filling out more, which we noticed in his face.

 He's my baby boy.

Easter 2014

I'm pretty behind and just now getting up our Easter photos. We had a really good Easter, with beautiful weather. Of course, we colored eggs. We did it during Samuel's nap so it was pretty easy.

 We did an egg hunt with my mom's group at the park. The kids had fun.

 And they got some yummy chocolate in their baskets.

We went to church on Saturday, and on Easter we went to my mother-in-law's. The kids love running around in her backyard and playing with their cousins.

Elena loves being chased.

Samuel and Nana.

Jorge tickling Elena.

It was a pretty awesome day.