Saturday, November 16, 2013

Joshua Tree

We went to visit Amy at her house for the first time. Samuel loved the carpet.

In the front yard.

On the zipline in the back. It was a strong push, luckily Elena didn't get whiplash!

Elena loved playing with Caleb and Makayla; they are the sweetest kids. It was a short trip but so much fun!

Halloween 2013

I'm barely getting around to posting for Halloween. For the third year in a row we went to our friend Miriam's house. You can see her in the background (the ladybug).

For some reason Samuel had some reflux going on that night and he spit up on his onesie soon after we got there. We're past the days of spitting up so of course I had no change of clothes for him. Luckily they had an old onesie that fit him snug, but worked. 


He was a doggy. He fought the headpiece for awhile, but eventually he gave in. Elena was Doc Mcstuffins.

The other baby, Maxwell, is one day younger than Samuel.

All the little girls trick-or-treating together was so adorable.


Elena had a blast. We had to leave a little early because Samuel was tired, but it was already dark and cold, and Elena had a bucket full of candy. Such a fun night with friends we don't get to see very often.