Saturday, November 12, 2011

Veteran's Day

I hope everyone had a good Veteran's Day! Jorge and I both had the day off, so it was an extra family day for us, and we needed it because we all had colds over the last week. First Elena got it, then Jorge, then me. Not fun for any of us. In the morning we had to take Elena Rose in to get 3 shots (that's the most she's gotten at one time). This is definitely not my favorite thing to do, but we came prepared this time. We had a cold pack ready, and an Elmo balloon that I was ready to pull out after the she got all 3 injections. It was a success, this appointment was more bearable than previous times. She spent the rest of the day dragging her balloon around the house.Then we went out to lunch to celebrate Veteran's Day. And see? I did my hair! One of the few times I've done it in the last year. It's not even a good picture to show for it, but I'm still proud! Didn't think having a baby would have that kind of effect . . . My kid loves the vacuum. Imagine that.And when Jorge vacuums, she loves it even more. She starts yelling really loudly and running from one end of the room to the other, then back again, just going back and forth. Then when he turns the vacuum off, she stops running, falls silent, and starts signing for more. She's signing "more" in this picture. He had to keep turning the vacuum back on because she was having so much fun.It's been cold so I had to get her some tights; she thought they were a little weird, but she got used to them. I don't mind just throwing some pants on her, but Jorge likes to dress her up, so the tights were actually his suggestion. And on a side note, I do not like the cold weather! And I don't think she likes it when we're inside all day.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Elena rocking her baby

I had to post this video. I know I've talked about her loving her baby doll, but it's really so precious. (Note: The video can't be viewed in the email form, you have to go to the blog website to view it.)