Sunday, December 26, 2010

Elena Rose's First Christmas

Christmas was so nice with Elena Rose! It was very different, all about her, which was nice. She got to spend Christmas Eve with Jorge's side of the family, while we all ate Guatemalan tamales. Then Christmas day we drove up to Santa Maria after opening her first gifts at home. She got to visit with my parents, siblings, neices, and grandma. It was a good Christmas.


I had to do this post because Elena Rose is so cute in her hats!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

She's almost 5 months!

Elena Rose is growing so fast! It's hard to believe that she is almost 5 months old now. I can't imagine having her crawling all around. Right now she's more tolerant of tummy-time, and is getting better at pushing up on her arms. She's so interested in everything going on around her, and makes a lot of eye contact with Jorge and me. The cutest thing is watching her learn new skills. She learns how to make new sounds every once in a while, and makes so many facial expressions. She sleeps in her crib for most of the night, and then I usually keep her in bed with us after she wakes up early in the morning. When we wake up with her in the mornings she is content hanging out in bed and plays, and usually falls back asleep. At her doctor's appt we found out that she is now above average in both length and weight; before she was below average in length, but above it in weight! She is a heavy one, over 16 pounds, which can sometimes make it difficult, but she's not really fussy anymore so it's more manageable. Overall, life is really good! Here are some more recent pictures.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Baby Dedication

Elena Rose was part of the Baby Dedication at church on December 5th. She was adorable in the dress my grandma made for her. We recited some lines, along with the pastor and other church members. Here are some pictures from it.