Monday, April 12, 2010

My first fondant cake!

My first fondant cake! Just one more class left for cake decorating, but at this point I am completely satisfied because I looooove the look of fondant cakes! I took it to work after my class for co-workers to eat, and I had a hard time parting with it; so sad to see it cut to pieces. =( But it did taste good. I have a recipe for marshmallow fondant, which will actually taste good, and I can't wait to try it.

25 weeks!

Okay, so the baby bump is getting bigger . . . quite round in fact. It seems like I'm growing every day. The baby is moving throughout the day, and she is becoming more and more active. Life over here is getting a little hectic. Jorge is getting ready to graduate from his MBA program next month, and after we celebrate that milestone, it will be all about getting the house ready for the baby. This past weekend Jorge tore the carpeting out of what is going to be the nursery, and primed and painted the walls. Next he is going to install the flooring, and we're ordering new closet doors. Aaahhhhh, so many little things we need to get done. It will all be worth it, though. We also registered this weekend at Babies R Us, which took several hours and was exhausting! I'm shocked by how many things we need to get before the baby arrives, they are quite the investment. The due date is quickly approaching, and we are becoming more and more anxious. Stay tuned, because this weekend we're getting the 3D/4D ultrasound!